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Vehicle parking to be regulated

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The Hindu 23.04.2010

Vehicle parking to be regulated

Staff Reporter

Fine to be imposed if two or three-wheelers are parked in no parking zones

Debate: DMK councillor Saibunisha arguing a point with the Mayor A.L. Subramanian at the council meeting in Tirunelveli on Thursday.

TIRUNELVELI: The corporation in its council meeting held on Thursday has resolved to impose fine on vehicles parked in the ‘no parking zones' of new bus-stand at Vaeinthaankulam.

As per this resolution, those who park two-wheelers in the prohibited areas will have to pay a fine of Rs. 50 while the penalty for three-wheelers and four-wheelers will be Rs. 75 and Rs. 100 respectively.

The civic body also has decided to distribute ‘smartcards,' brainchild of Corporation Commissioner K. Baskaran, to regular users of this parking bay by April-end or the first week of May.

All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam councilor Sudha K. Paramasivan wanted to know as to why the corporation was giving permission to a particular private hoarding company to erect more signboards even after the firm owed Rs. 2 crore to the local body.


Mayor A.L. Subramanian said the councillor, before raising such questions in the council meeting, should have given in writing their queries eight days before the date of the council meeting so that appropriate answer could be given.

Mr. Paramasivan urged the corporation to initiate action against the councillor, who played a key role in giving illegal water connection from the KTC Nagar Drinking Water Scheme to many residents of KTC Nagar.

The Mayor replied that the government, which acted immediately on this issue and took action against some officials, had deputed its official for a thorough investigation.

“His report is pending with the government and any decision in this connection will be taken by the government,” Mr. Subramanian said.

When some members charged that no development work had been taken up in their wards, the Mayor asked them to submit separate memorandum elaborating their requirements so that it could be put together for methodical execution.

Councillor Baby Gopal asked the Mayor to initiate steps to “retrieve” the VOC Stadium from the district administration and councillor K. Subbiah Pandian thanked Minister for Environment, Youth Welfare and Sports T.P.M. Maideen Khan for conducting cleaning operation in all wards falling under Palayamkottai Assembly segment by engaging 25 persons with his personal money.

However, councillor A. Durai suggested that the cleaning operation being carried out by the Minister could be more effective if it is conducted along with the corporation's ‘mass cleaning programme.'

Councillor Saibunisha urged the Mayor to fix vacant land tax in a judicious fashion so that the middle class and the poor would not be affected.

Last Updated on Friday, 23 April 2010 05:01

Fine for vehicles parked in ‘no parking zones'

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The Hindu 22.04.2010

Fine for vehicles parked in ‘no parking zones'

Staff Reporter

— Photo: A. Shaikmohideen

Penalty:Vehicles parked in the ‘no parking zone' of new bus stand at Veinthankulam in Palayamkottai.

TIRUNELVELI: Vehicles being parked at the ‘No Parking Zones' of the new bus-stand at Vaeinthaankulam will be hereafter fined up to Rs. 100 as the corporation has planned to enforce this new regulation in the next few days.

Through the vehicle parking bay at Vaeinthaankulam bus-stand, the civic body earned a whopping sum of Rs. 1.24 crore since 2003 by awarding contract to private parties. Sensing the immense average annual revenue potential of Rs. 17 lakh, the corporation decided to take over the administration of the parking bay instead of leasing it out to private contractors.

As long as this parking bay was under the control of private contractors, not a single day lapsed without quarrel between the persons parking their vehicles and the personnel manning it, as the vehicles parked there used to suffer significant damage.

When the vehicles went missing, the parking bay personnel casually asked the owners to file a complaint with the police and adamantly refused to compensate for the loss.

Moreover, the personnel collected Rs. 3 for two-wheelers for parking it under a thatched shed for the duration of 12 hours though the corporation's directive is to collect this amount for 24 hours.

Those who raised questions against this irregular practice were either threatened or even attacked.

On taking control over this parking lot, the corporation computerized the entire process. Computers were installed at the entry point for issuing tokens and the personnel noted down the registration numbers of the vehicles at the exit point so that the vehicles' security was ensured.

Moreover, the corporation is all set to install surveillance cameras at vantage points in the sheds so as to strengthen the safety measures on this enclosure.

The new and safe environment has increased the influx of vehicles and hence the corporation has planned to issue ‘smartcards' to regular parking-lot users in the next couple of weeks so that they need not wait in the queue for getting the vehicle passes and instead can park and take out their vehicles immediately on entering the bay.

To ensure the safety of every private vehicle entering the new bus-stand premises, the corporation has now decided to impose fine on the vehicles being parked in the ‘No Parking Zones' to be jointly identified by the police and the corporation.

As per the civic body's proposal, those who park the two-wheelers in the prohibited areas will have to pay a fine of Rs. 50 while the penalty for three-wheelers and four-wheelers will be Rs. 75 and Rs. 100 respectively.

Moreover, a fine of Rs. 100 will be collected from those who misplace the smartcards.

At the same time, the urban local body has decided to collect the parking fee for the duration of 24 hours, which will be calculated from the time of parking.

Last Updated on Thursday, 22 April 2010 06:47

Mayor M. Subramanian shares a lighter moment with traders in the city

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Deccan Chronicle 21.04.2010


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