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Drainage system being improved

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The Hindu 09.12.2009

Drainage system being improved

Staff Reporter


Work begins: Salem Corporation has begun the construction of a new drainage channel in Kuppu Street in Ward 11 in Salem. —

SALEM: The Salem Corporation is giving a face lift to the existing drainage system in Ward 11.

The civic administration has taken up the construction of new drainage channels in the residential colonies in the ward, besides carrying out repair and maintenance works in the existing channels.

The works were taken up as the area lacked proper drainage facility and the existing channels remained in a damaged condition for long. People had made repeated complaints that the lack of proper drainage facility had worsened the sanitary conditions in the ward.

Sewage overflowed on the roads and streets, posing serious threat to the health of people in the ward. The stagnation of sewage on the vacant land had led to increase in the mosquito menace.

The civic body had sanctioned over Rs. 20 lakh for the construction of new drainage channels and to carry out repair and maintenance works in the existing channels. Road repairs would be carried out in the ward.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 09 December 2009 03:15