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Encroachment removal: space to be used for widening roads

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The Hindu       02.02.2011

Encroachment removal: space to be used for widening roads

Special Correspondent

The width made available through the recent encroachment eviction drives in some of the arterial roads in the city would be utilised effectively for widening the roads, Corporation Commissioner T.T.Balsamy has said.

Speaking at a meeting of the Federation of Service and Consumer Organisations here recently, Mr.Balsamy said the site identified for setting up an integrated bus stand at Panchapur was an ideal location. The project would take off when funds were available. Referring to a plea made by M.Sekaran, president of the federation, for opening an information centre at the Central Bus Stand, Mr.Balsamy assured him of taking steps soon.

Earlier, the federation presented Mr.Balsamy an award for his people friendly services. Mr.Sekaran commended the efforts made by Mr.Balsamy in removing encroachments. He requested the Corporation to take steps to re-lay the rain-damaged roads. The Commissioner said the roads would be repaired or re-laid before the end of March.

S.Sakunthala, vice president, and S.Annadurai, secretary of the federation spoke.