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Underground drainage scheme work to start

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The Hindu  17.09.2010

Underground drainage scheme work to start

Staff Reporter

Nagercoil: The long-pending demand of Nagercoil town residents would be fulfilled with the implementation of underground drainage at a cost of Rs.134 crore. The scheme would be implemented in two phases, said Nagercoil Municipal Council Chairman Asokan Solomon.

Speaking to The Hindu, he said that the scheme would be implemented first in 41 wards of the total 51 at an estimated cost of Rs.82 crore. It would be completely implemented in ward nos: 11, 17, 20, 35 to 40, 42, 43, 47 to 48 and 51. It would be partially implemented in wards 2 to 5, 16, 18 to 22, 27 to 34, 41, 44 to 46 and 50. The people living in as many as 25,852 habitations would be benefited with the implementation of this scheme.

A sum of Rs. 65 crore would be given as subsidy by the Central Government; Rs. 8 crore as subsidy by the State Government and the Nagercoil municipality would spend Rs. 9 crore for the implementation.

The work would be executed by the TWAD board in one year. An effluent treatment plant would be set at Valampurivilai within Nagercoil municipal limits, said Mr. Solmon.

Last Updated on Friday, 17 September 2010 11:19