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Rs. 2-crore grant for Kanyakumari

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The Hindu                        13.03.2013

Rs. 2-crore grant for Kanyakumari

Staff Reporter 

The Government allocated Rs.2 crores as grant under ‘self-sufficient scheme-2013’ to improve infrastructure in both urban and rural areas, said Collector S. Nagarajan.

According to a press release issued here on Tuesday, basic amenities would be developed with the 50 per cent or above contribution from people under. Beneficiaries could use the grant for construction of additional school and college buildings, hostels, toilets, laboratories, compound wall in government hospitals, primary health centres, sub-health centres, veterinary hospitals, libraries, schools and colleges.

The fund could also be utilised for implementation of drinking water schemes, construction of small bridges, noon-meal centres, school kitchen, fair price shop buildings, installation of solar lamps, streetlights and for purchase of computers in schools.

Interested individual, groups, public, private firms and institutions to develop infrastructure in their areas with 50 per cent contribution could contact the Collector, the release added.