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Urban Infrastructure

Two arms of flyover to be opened next month

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The Hindu      22.12.2010

Two arms of flyover to be opened next month

Staff Reporter
— Photo: R. Ragu

Status check: Mayor M.Subramanian inspects work on the Rangarajapuram flyover on Tuesday.

CHENNAI: Two of the three arms of the upcoming Rangarajapuram flyover will be opened for traffic next month. One-way traffic will be permitted - from Railway Border Road to Bazullah Road. The third arm will be completed in March.

Inspecting the work on Tuesday, Mayor M.Subramanian said “The flyover will ease traffic congestion in T.Nagar, Mambalam, Kodambakkam and other neighbouring areas.”

The stretch of the flyover that would be inaugurated in January is 609.24 metres long. This would help private vehicles to a large extent and is expected to help divert traffic during the repair work of the Kodambakkam bridge.

Over 95 per cent of the work on the ramp on Bazullah Road side has been completed. The work on the arm on the Rangarajapuram side will be completed in a month.

Work on the ramp towards the Kodambakkam station side would be completed in 15 days.

The 962-metre-long flyover, being constructed at a cost of Rs.23.76 crore, has a Y shape design.

The arm towards Bazullah Road is 264 metres long and the Rangarajapuram side is 303 metres long. The arm on the side of Kodambakkam railway station is 297 metres. So far, work on 20 deck slabs is over. The total number of deck slabs of the flyover is 25. The work order for the construction of the flyover was issued in January 2008.


Stone laid for Thirumangalam flyover

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The Hindu       22.12.2010

Stone laid for Thirumangalam flyover

Staff Reporter
Flyovers to come up in Vadapalani and on EVR Periyar Salai
— Photo: S.S. Kumar

Easing traffic:Union Minister for Textiles Dayanidhi Maran lays the foundation stone for the Thirumangalam flyover project in Chennai on Monday. Highways Minister Vellakoil Saminathan and Mayor

CHENNAI: Flyovers will soon come up at important junctions in Vadapalani and on EVR Periyar Salai, Highways Minister Vellakoil Saminathan said on Monday.

He was speaking at the inauguration of work on a flyover-cum-subway project at the Thirumangalam junction.

The facility in Thirumangalam, estimated to cost Rs.60.23 crore, will be open for traffic in two years. The 805-metre-long flyover will facilitate smooth flow of traffic across two intersections – Anna Nagar 2nd Avenue and Mogappair Road junction on Jawaharlal Nehru Salai.

On either side of the flyover, a 7.5 metre-wide carriageway will be provided. Construction of stormwater drains and a 2.25 metre-wide pedestrian footpath are also proposed.

Mr. Saminathan said that more than Rs.15,000 crore has been spent on the construction and maintenance of roads across the State in the past four years. He added that of the 104 road over bridges (ROB) that were approved in the same period, 24 have been completed and are in use.

Union Minister for Textiles Dayanidhi Maran, who laid the foundation stone for the Thirumangalam facility, said that the needs of the city's populace are changing. “Earlier, basic connecting roads and electricity were the main demands. Now, people are asking for parks. In the current scenario, transport is emerging as a key issue among the city's residents,” he said. Mr. Maran said that though a number of flyovers have been built across the city, it is not making much of a difference as the number of vehicles on the road is rapidly increasing. “But growth in the automobile sector is a good thing and the government will continue to build more such facilities,” he said.

Comparing the present quality of roads in the city to that in 2002-03, he opined that it used to be full of potholes. “But this year despite heavy rains, traffic is moving smoothly on most roads,” he said.

Mayor M. Subramanian said that over 10 flyovers and subways are in various stages of construction across the city.


New trucks to improve waste management

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The Hindu  13.12.2010

New trucks to improve waste management

Staff Reporter

COIMBATORE: The Coimbatore Corporation has armed itself with 11 trucks to improve solid waste collection and management.

A release from the civic body said it had also bought 500 bins of 660 litres each. The two together cost Rs. 2.17 crore. Seven of the 11 trucks were purchased under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission and the rest with funds from the Twelfth Finance Commission grant.

Flagging off the trucks, Mayor R. Venkatachalam sought people's cooperation by asking them to dump garbage only in bins and not elsewhere. And, thereby, strengthen the civic body's efforts to keep roads free of litter.

Last Updated on Monday, 13 December 2010 06:03

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