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Satellite-based system to track quakes

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The Deccan Chronicle  19.08.2010

Satellite-based system to track quakes

Chennai, Aug. 18: Chennai corporation has taken up a new first-of-its-kind initiative under which it would identify buildings prone to earthquake and floods. It has developed a global information system application under which high-rise buildings in Chennai are now examined through satellite images. “The buildings vulnerable to seismic activities will be inspected by corporation engineers and they would suggest remedial me-asures,” corporation com-missioner Rajesh Lakhoni said.

The objective is to create a safe road map for Chennai that would reduce the effect of any natural disaster. The pilot project has begun and will be implemented in a phased manner. So far, there is no specific detailed study in this regard and as part of the disaster reduction campaign, the corporation will also release a climate and disaster resilience index (CDRI) report, Mr Lakhoni added. According to corporation engineer N. Mathavan, co-ordinator, CDRI st-udy, using satellite images the dimensions of buildings will be studied and in case the civil engineers opine that any building was prone to disasters, they would be examined to improve safety. Divisional-level engineers of the corporation and civil engineering college students would be deployed and Madras varsity will provide technical expertise for the project. It will also help the corporation identify safety thoroughfares and buildings for evacuation.

Last Updated on Thursday, 19 August 2010 06:51