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Civic body warns of action against plan violations

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The Hindu                       20.02.2013

Civic body warns of action against plan violations

Special Correspondent

Violations in buildings constructed prior to July 2007 can get exemption.

With the State government issuing guidelines for granting exemption and regularising plan violations in buildings constructed before July 1, 2007, the Tiruchi Corporation has asked owners of such buildings to get their properties regularised.

The Corporation along with the Directorate of Town and Country Planning would initiate appropriate action and seal buildings that have not been regularised and also buildings, constructed after July 1, 2007, with plan deviations, Corporation Commissioner V.P.Thandapani has said. Buildings without proper parking space would also be sealed.

Licensed surveyors

Speaking at a consultative meeting with licensed surveyors in the city to brief them on the government guidelines for regularisation of plan violations in buildings constructed prior to July 1,2007, Mr.Thandapani instructed Corporation engineers and the licensed surveyors to extend proper guidance to building owners on the guidelines issued by the government for the regularisation.

As per the guidelines issued by the government, plan deviations relating to floor space index, road or street width violations, front, rear and side setback violations in buildings constructed prior to July 1, 2007 would be regularised subject to various conditions and on payment of the stipulated fee.

The extent of violation in respect to minimum required road width should not exceed 20 per cent. Front, rear and side setback violations should not exceed 50 per cent of the required minimum. Similarly, floor space index should not exceed 50 per cent of the maximum allowed limit.

The government has also stipulated the rate of fee for grant of the exemption for various types of buildings.

No building with any encroachment including aerial encroachment on to a public road or street or on a poramboke land or on local authority lands, open space and recreational areas, water bodies and land affected by the erstwhile Tamil Nadu Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1978( Tamil Nadu Act 24 of 1978) will be considered for exemption. No developments in the aquifer recharge area restricted for development shall be considered for exemption.

Applications with the specified documents and fee should be submitted to the competent authority, the Corporation or the Directorate of Town and Country Planning.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 20 February 2013 11:06