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Corporation on sealing drive

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The Hindu              04.05.2013

Corporation on sealing drive

Special Correspondent

To identify unauthorised constructions.

The Madurai Corporation has decided to extend its “lock and seal” drive to K.K.Nagar and Anna Nagar here — hitherto untouched areas — to identify unauthorised constructions in private properties.

The Town Planning Wing on Friday directed its field staff to collect details of plan violations in buildings under construction. Official sources told The Hindu that the Corporation zeroed in on two buildings each at K.K.Nagar and Anna Nagar, where violations such as additional constructions, absence of mandatory open space and encroachment on common areas were detected.

“Additional details are expected soon. Assistant Engineers are on the assignment and the four buildings will be sealed at any time in the first round after the issuance of stop-work notices,” a senior town planning official said.

It was noticed by the civic authorities that violations had been taking place in both residential and commercial buildings. “We will put an end to the trend of ‘as you please’ construction. The buildings will be booked for violation by Monday,” the official said.

When contacted, Mayor V.V.Rajan Chellappa said a list of unauthorised constructions was being prepared and special teams would be deployed for follow-up actions. “My top priority will be commercial buildings and the public can pass on information to us. It will be kept confidential,” he said.

The town planning and corporation staff till now concentrated on Sellur, South Masi Street, Aruldosspuram and Vilakuthoon. Meanwhile, a commercial building near a school at Sellur traffic signal has come under the scanner.