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Derelict Schmidt memorial all set for restoration work

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The Hindu                  06.05.2013

Derelict Schmidt memorial all set for restoration work

At long lastThe soil test has begun on the basis of a report by experts —Photo: M. Karunakaran
At long lastThe soil test has begun on the basis of a report by experts —Photo: M. Karunakaran

The restoration of the KAJ Schmidt Memorial on Elliot’s Beach, which commemorates the gallantry of the Dutch sailor who died while trying to save a girl from drowning, has begun.

Soil testing work is going on. In March, the Chennai Corporation had announced that it would take steps to restore the structure. The restoration work in expected to be completed by August.

“Professors SR Gandhi, and Arun Menon of Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology-Madras have sent a detailed report with recommendations on its restoration,” said T. Satyamurthy, Founder-Trustee and President, Reach Foundation, who is spearheading the restoration work.

“There is a problem with the foundation of the structure. A detailed report on soil testing by engineers from Geo-Technical Solutions will be prepared, and sent to IIT-M. Based on the recommendations given by experts from the institute, work on strengthening the foundation will start,” he noted.

The crack on top of the structure is also due to the same reason. Once the foundation is strengthened, the crack will be set right. After the restoration work, the monument will be barricaded.

The structure was built by Lieutenant-Colonel Sir George Frederick Stanley, then Governor of Madras, in honour of the bravery of Schmidt.