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GIS survey of properties planned

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The Hindu 19.11.2009

GIS survey of properties planned

Staff Reporter

Initially, it will be taken up in Pulianthope, Basin Bridge zones


It will help resolve property disputes

Data could help police to zero in on criminals

CHENNAI: A detailed study of all houses and properties in the city will be undertaken by the Chennai Corporation as part of the Union Planning Commission’s Computer Aided Utility Mapping Project.

To start with, the study would be undertaken in Pulianthope and Basin Bridge zones. Staff of Vision Labs Institute, Hyderabad, will measure the boundaries of the properties with geographic information system (GIS)-enabled equipment. They would also note down features such as wells, borewells, trees and whether those staying in the building were owners or tenants.

A senior official of the civic body said that this would help prevent property disputes, identify properties not assessed for property tax and encroachments on government properties. Already, roads and streetlights have been mapped. Utilities such as sewer network and water pipeline would also be mapped.

The public has been urged to cooperate with the staff from the institute, which had been awarded the contract to conduct the GIS survey.

“The staff of the institute will have proper identity cards and need not enter the house. Their work stops with the exterior of the house,” the official said.

This GIS mapping is required in addition to the aerial photography of the houses that has been completed.

In future, when the project is extended to the entire city, the data could help police to zero in on criminals. The design of homes and even number of rooms are available in the system.

After the completion of the pilot project, this mapping would be extended to the entire city and it would take more than a year for the GIS survey to be done in the entire city.

The electoral rolls could also be integrated with this system. It would also be possible to identify people who shift from one area to another.

Last Updated on Thursday, 19 November 2009 01:55