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Green bug yet to bite Chennai buildings

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The New Indian Express 16.12.2009

Green bug yet to bite Chennai buildings

CHENNAI: At present, less than one per cent of Chennai’s buildings are green. While a few large corporate offices as well as the upcoming assembly complex have been built on environmentfriendly lines, the trend is yet to catch on mainly because of a perception that constructing green buildings is very expensive.

However, with the Energy Conservation Building Code set to become mandatory in the near future, the city may see an increase in the construction of green buildings soon.

Madhu Kumar Boppana, manager at Vestas India, a renewable energy company, said that while green buildings did cost 15 to 20 per cent more than normal buildings, the benefits they provided make them attractive in the long run.

“We use 100 per cent natural lighting in the day enabling us to cut down on power costs,’’ he said. The building’s sewage water is recycled and used to water lawns. Most of the power requirement is supported through wind energy, clean and sustainable source.

An official with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency said the additional cost in setting up a green building could easily be recovered in five years. “We are training several consultants and architects and this will help eradicate the cost misconception,’’ he said.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 December 2009 10:53