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Corporation to open building plan preparation cell

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The Hindu 23.03.2010

Corporation to open building plan preparation cell

Special Correspondent

COIMBATORE: The Coimbatore Corporation will open a cell for preparing building plan, a task currently carried out by licensed engineers/building surveyors. Announcing this in its budget presented on Monday, the Corporation said this was to prevent the “harassment” of the common people and make the procedure hassle-free.

The Corporation's Town Planning Officer M. Soundararajan said in the new cell, people could have the plan prepared by a panel of engineers or surveyors by paying a fee fixed by the civic body. At present, the fee varied with the private agency or individual preparing the plan.

The official said there were complaints from applicants that the cost of a mandatory software for the submission of building plan was being imposed on them by those licensed to prepare the plans now.

While the software's cost of Rs. 5,000 was a one-time investment, it was collected from all applicants.

The cell would have a reception area where various types of building plan would be on display. The applicants could choose from these, according to their requirement, financial strength and the size of the house site. The models on display would serve as a broad guideline. Changes could be made according to the need of the applicant.

After the cell prepared the plan, it would be checked by the Town Planning Officer for any violation of building rules. Changes, if needed, would be carried out immediately. “The advantage in the cell is that the applicants will not have to waste time and incur extra costs on rectifying the plan,” Mr. Soundararajan said. This system functioned now in Gujarat, he said.

“The drawing of the plan will take only half-an-hour. But, the final approval will take four days to a week as the Corporation will have to check the status of the site of the proposed construction. We need to know whether the site belongs to the applicant or a Government agency,” he said.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 23 March 2010 05:53