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Urban Planning

Authority to review construction near monuments

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The Hindu       14.03.2011

Authority to review construction near monuments

A. Srivathsan

National Monument Authority to be set up soon

The Dharmeswarar temple in Manimangalam, near Tambaram, which is one of the 23 ASI protected monuments in the Chennai Metropolitan Area. — Photo: A.Muralitharan
The Dharmeswarar temple in Manimangalam, near Tambaram, which is one of the 23 ASI protected monuments in the Chennai Metropolitan Area. — Photo: A.Muralitharan

The uncertainty of property owners, who want to build anew or alter existing structures in the immediate vicinity of 23 archaeological sites within the Chennai Metropolitan Area, would end soon, when the office of the Competent Authority set up to review building applications starts functioning.

“The process of setting up the National Monument Authority and the formulation of rules that define its functions are under way. This will be completed soon and the applications submitted for ‘no objection certificate' by property owners processed,” said T.S. Sridhar, Principal Secretary and Commissioner of Archaeology, who has been appointed as the Competent Authority for Tamil Nadu to review the applications.

“We have taken note of all applications received so far and acknowledged them. Some of the applications will be dealt with locally, and a few others, depending on the importance of the monument and the nature of the proposed development, sent to the National Monument Authority's office in Delhi,” Mr. Sridhar said.

“A survey of revenue maps to identify the limits of regulated and prohibited areas around 23 archaeological sites is almost over. The next step is to verify the maps on site and prepare a comprehensive report. This report will be sent to the Competent Authority, who will decide on building rules applicable for each monument area. The whole process may take a few months,” explained Sathyabama Badrinath, Superintending Archaeologist, Archaeological Survey of India, Chennai Circle.

Completed maps showing the survey numbers of properties within the monument area and those within the prohibited and regulated areas are now available in various sub-circle offices of ASI.

In 1992, new rules were implemented in order to regulate development in areas around national monuments.

Construction within 100 meter of the monument, delineated as prohibited area, was not allowed.

Only repair works approved by the ASI were permitted. Owners of properties falling within a further 200 metres, designated as regulated area, had to obtain ‘no objection' certificate from the ASI before starting construction.

However, these rules were not adequately enforced.

In 2010, the Act was amended to improve enforcement and various circle offices of ASI were asked to survey the monument areas and work with the local bodies to implement the rules.

Initial surveys by the ASI in the Chennai Metropolitan Area indicated that the some of the archaeological sites were encroached upon. In a few others, the area around was extensively built in violation of rules.

The ASI has informed the local bodies about the amended rules and insisted that the ‘no objection' certificate must be sought before sanctioning building plans.

“The office of the Competent Authority will be set up and with the help of four administrative and four field-level officers all the applications processed,” Mr. Sridhar said.


‘Town planners must take inspiration from Geddes'

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The Hindu         04.03.2011

‘Town planners must take inspiration from Geddes'

Staff Reporter
Writer and historian Ramachandra Guha delivering the Salim Ali Memorial Lecture 2010-11 in Coimbatore on Wednesday. — Photo: M. Periasamy
Writer and historian Ramachandra Guha delivering the Salim Ali Memorial Lecture 2010-11 in Coimbatore on Wednesday. — Photo: M. Periasamy

Town planners in every city in India should take inspiration from Patrick Geddes, Scottish town planner and biologist, said Ramachandra Guha, writer and historian, at a lecture in the city on Wednesday.

“Geddes' words should be pasted above the office desks of planners working today in Chennai, Hyderabad and a dozen other cities of India,” he said while delivering the Salim Ali Memorial Lecture 2010-11, organised by the Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History.

There were three central themes to Geddes' town plans — respect for nature, democracy and tradition.

His town plans were deeply ecological. He saw Indian city as defined by its relation to water. Traditional India considered rivers sacred, which he called the fundamental and central river-factor of human environmentalists. Wherever there were no rivers, he stressed the renewal and revitalisation of tanks.

Geddes was also alert to space, however small. As a skilled botanist, he had a keen eye appropriate species. His plans were filled with meticulously specific recommendations.

Geddes stressed the conservation of resources, to minimise the city's dependence on the hinterland. Particularly noteworthy was what he said about wells.

“These, he says, should be regarded as a valuable reserve to the existing water supplies, even if these were efficient. Any and every water system occasionally goes out of order, and is open to accidents and injuries of very many kinds; and in these old wells we inherit an ancient policy, of life insurance, of a very real kind, and one far too valuable to be abandoned.”


The town planner also emphasises the importance of recycling, said Mr. Guha. Sewage could be fruitfully used to manure gardens, converting a fetid and poisonous nuisance into a scene of order and beauty. This might even lead to an elevation in the status of the sweepers, who would be put in charge of using night-soil to raise and cultivate gardens.

The second theme was respect for democracy. This too had several distinct aspects.

The first was that of participation, Mr. Guha said: “As the physician must make a diagnosis of the patients' case before prescribing treatment, so with the planner for the city.”

The democratic town planner must pay special attention to the needs of the less-privileged groups. He stressed on the rights and needs of women and children, which tend to be ignored in most plans.

Mr. Guha said another aspect of Geddes' democratic instincts was his opposition to the mindless destruction of buildings to improve the town or to build highways for cars to drive through.

This logically led to the respect for tradition, or Geddes' awareness of what was now called heritage conservation. He offered a five-word motto that those interested in heritage preservation must impress upon every architect and town planner that “To postpone is to conserve”.

Summing up, Mr. Guha said Geddes drew a distinction between what he called the Paleotechnic present and a Neotechnic future.

The former was the dominance of man by machine, finance and militarism. But Geddes hoped for a new, Neolithic age based on solar energy and on long-lasting alloys, marked by its better use of resources and population towards the betterment of man and his environment together.


Powers delegated for building plan approval

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The Hindu   16.02.2011

Powers delegated for building plan approval

M. Soundariya Preetha

Different interpretations of rule lead to confusion

Consider this: an applicant for building plan approval had earlier constructed an 800 sq.ft. house and got approval for it. He wants to add another 300 sq.ft. now.

Though the local body can approve single buildings of maximum 4,000 sq.ft., these applicants are advised to approach the Local Planning Authority for approval.

According to K. Kathirmathiyon, secretary of Coimbatore Consumer Cause, the State Government had delegated powers to the local bodies to approve residential buildings of 4,000 sq.ft (ground plus first floor single building) and commercial building of 2,000 sq.ft. (ground plus first floor single building).

It was mentioned that “If a plan approval earlier accorded was within the powers and a plan was submitted for construction of additional building, even if within delegated powers the local bodies should not approve. They should be forwarded to the LPA office or the Regional Deputy Director's office.”

This has been interpreted in different ways and led to confusion. Some local bodies interpret that though the first plan and the proposed one is within the 4,000 sq.ft. they cannot give the approval.

An official of Coimbatore Corporation says it has been clearly stated that the Corporation can give only one approval and that the applicants should go to the Local Planning Authority for any further approval.

Total area

However, a senior official of the Directorate of Town and Country Planning said if the total area of the building (old plus the new construction) was within 4,000 sq.ft. for residential structures, then the local body should give the approval.


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