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Progress of drinking water supply scheme inspected

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The Hindu 31.07.2009

Progress of drinking water supply scheme inspected

Special Correspondent

Taking stock: Municipal Administration Secretary Niranjan Mardi inspecting the progress of work on the construction of collector wells on the Coleroon River in Tiruchi on Thursday.

TIRUCHI: Municipal Administration Secretary Niranjan Mardi on Thursday inspected the progress of works on the Rs.144.86-crore drinking water supply augmentation scheme being implemented in the city.

Mr. Mardi inspected the work on the construction of the three collector wells on the Coleroon River for the scheme being executed with financial assistance from the Japan Bank for International Cooperation.

He also inspected the road laying works taken up with about Rs.24.30 crore of financial assistance from the German development bank, KfW. He inspected the newly laid Thillai Nagar Main Road under the project and the storm water drains.

He instructed the Corporation officials to demarcate the lanes with white paint and fix reflectors along the roadsides.

Mr. Mardi also inspected the site for the inner link road between Anna Nagar and Cantonment and directed the officials to expedite the work.

After inspecting the newly opened gasifier based crematorium at Karumandapam, constructed at a cost of Rs.1.17 crore, Mr. Mardi instructed the officials to establish a computerised birth and death registration office.

Corporation Commissioner T. T. Balsamy, Municipal Administration Chief Engineer Raghunathan, City Engineer S. Raja Mohammed, Executive Engineers R. Chandran and S. Arunachalam and WAPCOS representatives Subburaj and Vadivel accompanied Mr. Mardi.

Last Updated on Friday, 31 July 2009 04:53