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Water lorries play truant in North Chennai areas

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The Deccan Chronicle  24.08.2010

Water lorries play truant in North Chennai areas

Aug. 23: The city corporation and Chennai Metro Water might time and again deny meting out step-motherly treatment to north Chennai residents, but the harsh reality is that even basic amenities like water supplied through lorries do not reach them on a Sunday.

While facing irate residents during their visits on weekdays, the water lorry drivers and cleaners blame it on the poor vehicle condition and tiresome work to justify their absence on Sundays. The situation is so appalling that some households even struggle for two pots of potable water, eventually forcing them to it buy from private suppliers.

“We are happy that it is not mid-summer, for we would be compelled to shell out high rates for water during peak summer,” says a north Chennai resident who suffers regular water shortage.

Residents blame it on drivers and lorry owners as they often skip trips to areas in north Chennai despite the insistence of Metro Water officials.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 August 2010 09:49