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Veeranam water for Chennai soon

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Deccan Chronicle 25.08.2009

Veeranam water for Chennai soon

August 25th, 2009
By Our Correspondent

Cuddalore, Aug. 24: With the Veeranam tank in Cuddalore district recording comfortable storage, the prospects of Metro Water drawing water from it to meet the drinking water needs of Chennai now looks bright. Water supply from Veeranam to Chennai had been suspended from May 21. Sources in the Public Works Department told Deccan Chronicle that the present water level was 43.4 feet, against the total height of 47.5 feet.

Veeranam was getting an inflow of 553 cusecs and PWD officials are keeping a close vigil on the water level. The water level would be maintained at 43.5 feet. Once the required storage level is reached, water would be released through the Veeranam pipelines to Chennai. Trial pumping of Veeranam water to Chennai has already begun. Water from the tank would be released on August 26 for cultivation of samba crop in about 45,000 acres.

Mr K.V. Elangeeran, president, Veeranam Farmers Association, pointed out that the water discharged from the Coleroon was inadequate.

He urged the government to step up water release from the Coleroon as Metro Water would draw water from Veeranam when it reaches full capacity. If the tank was desilted to about three feet, its capacity could be increased manifold. Metro Water should also provide royalty for water tapped from the tank for Chennai. The royalty could be fixed at the rate of one paisa a litre and could be used for maintenance of the tank, he added.