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Work begins to replace Siruvani pipeline

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The Hindu                    11.03.2013

Work begins to replace Siruvani pipeline

To streamline water supply:A worker engaged in linking the Pilloor - Siruvani drinking water pipelines on Sanganoor Road in Coimbatore, on Saturday. -Photo: M.Periasamy
To streamline water supply:A worker engaged in linking the Pilloor - Siruvani drinking water pipelines on Sanganoor Road in Coimbatore, on Saturday. -Photo: M.Periasamy.
Coimbatore Corporation to increase inflow of water.

The Corporation has begun work to replace the pipeline carrying Siruvani water. The work is part of the project to link the Pilloor Main Storage Reservoir in Ramakrishnapuram with Siruvani water reservoir on Bharathi Park Road.

According to sources in the Corporation, the civic body has undertaken the work to replace the pipeline stretch that is at the Sanganur Pallam.

Increase inflow

The reason for carrying out the work is to increase the inflow of water.

At present the Corporation is not able to carry the desired quantity of water because the present pipeline is made of cast iron. The joints have rubber.

Given the nature of the earth in Sanganur Pallam, the pipeline quality and the force the water exerts while being supplied, has led to frequent leakage or breakage at joints, which the Corporation is forced to repair.

The old pipeline over a period of time has started sinking slowly into the Pallam because of the pressure exerted by the running water.

The sources say that the new pipeline is made of mild steel and comes with welded joints. Once replaced, the new pipeline will allow the Coimbatore Corporation to carry more water — around 25 million litres a day as against the present 10 mld.

And this will help the Corporation supply more water to Ramnagar, Tatabad and other areas in the neighbourhood.


The Corporation has allocated over Rs. 60 lakh for this project alone.

The other projects the civic body undertook to improve water supply are linking Pilloor pipeline with the Siruvani pipeline at five places in the city so as to divert Pilloor water to Siruvani-fed areas to mitigate the impact of shortage of Siruvani water.

The sources say that the Corporation will complete the aforementioned in a week.