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Corporation steps to tackle water issue

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The New Indian Express                16.04.2013

Corporation steps to tackle water issue

A total of 32 resolutions were passed at the Vellore Zonal meeting held at the third zonal office of the Vellore Corporation, on Monday.

Vellore zonal president and councillor of ward-32 S Kumar chaired the meeting. Mayor P Karthiyayini participated in the meet as a special invitee, while deputy mayor, also a councillor of the zone-3 took part in the meeting.

Most of the councillors demanded steps to increase the frequency of the water supply in their area. At present, water was being supplied only once in 10 days. Responding to the demand, engineer E Devakumar said, tenders had been floated to choose contractors for every five wards to supply water by tractor.

The initiative was taken after repeated complaints were received from the councillors that a single contractor could not supply water for an entire zone.

Devakumar said, the contract for every five wards system will make the water supply  effective and there would be less chances of streets being missed out, without water supply.

Councillor of ward-44 G Shanmugham demanded steps to monitor theft of water, especially during the summer.