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'Water supply cut to once a week'

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The New Indian Express            20.06.2013

'Water supply cut to once a week'

The water tank in Rajiv Gandhi Nagar | S Dinesh
The water tank in Rajiv Gandhi Nagar | S Dinesh

Residents of Thorapadi have demanded regular supply of water from the water tank at Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, near Periya Allapuram area. They said the water supply from the water tank at Rajiv Gandhi Nagar had reduced to once a week.

Councillor of ward 49, K Sukumar said Thorapadi area had been receiving irrregular water supply for the past three months. He said a separate line between Keezhmonavur and Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, laid to supply water to Viruthampet area, was affecting the water supply to Thorapadi.

Water being supplied to Thorapadi from the Thorapadi lake could be used only for washing. Water was also being supplied from two bore wells and two open wells.

Corporation engineer E Devakumar said the water pumped from Keezhmonavur was being drawn at 21 points on the way. The  tank at Rajiv Gandhi Nagar did not receive water to its full capacity. Steps were being taken to find an alternative method to supply water to Thorapadi, he added.