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Soon, residents to pay 50 per cent more for drinking water

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The Times of India              03.08.2013

Soon, residents to pay 50 per cent more for drinking water

COIMBATORE: The rains might have bailed residents out from drinking water shortage but the improved water supply is likely to come at a higher price as the city municipal corporation has been considering a revision of the water tariff. The civic body had already passed a resolution during the term of the last council to revise water rates but shied away from implementing it as they were awaiting the completion of Pillur II drinking water supply scheme which they hoped would improve supply.

"The revised rates have been passed in the council but the date to enforce the new rates is yet to be decided. It will be announced after a resolution is passed in the corporation council. The new tariff will be 50 percent more than existing rates," revealed a corporation source.

The water supply is adequate, with the city receiving 98 mld from Siruvani reservoir, 63.74 mld from Pillur I and 41.34 mld from Pillur II schemes. The corporation is also planning to implement round-the-clock water supply scheme in old city areas. Sources say this is the first time the civic body is undertaking a scheme of this magnitude where water supply will be uninterrupted.

"The total estimate of the project will be more than Rs500cr but sustaining the service and meeting operation and maintenance expenses will be a huge task for the civic body. The hike is not being proposed as a burden but a necessity from the operational point of view," said corporation sources.

The water consumption slabs are also likely to be altered from the existing slabs. As per the existing water tariff slabs, domestic water consumers are being supplied up to 50,000 litres at the rate of Rs 3.50 per 1000 litres. The subsequent slabs and rates are fixed at Rs4 per kilo litre for consumers using 50,001 to 1,00,000 litres of water and Rs5 per kilo litre for consumption between 1,00,001 to1,50,000 litres of water. Consumers using more than 1,50,000 litres of water will be charged Rs 6.50 per kilo litre. The water tariff is calculated on a bi-monthly basis and minimum rate is Rs80. A free allowance of 100 litres per day is also supplied to domestic water consumers.

As per revised rates, the corporation is expected to supply water up to 15,000 litres at a minimum rate of Rs100. It will charge Rs 6 per kilo litre for usage between 15,0001 to 20,000 litres and Rs8 per kilo litre for 20,001 to 1,50,000 litres. The tariffs for bulk domestic and commercial collections are likely to be hiked soon. The water tariff revision will be taken up for discussion in the forthcoming council meeting before it is made official.

Domestic water connections

Present bi monthly slabs and water charges

Free allowance 100 litres per day

Upto 50,000 litres Rs 3.50 per kilo litre

50,001 - 1,00,000 RS 4

1,00,001 - 1,50,000 Rs 5

Above 1,50,000 litres RS 6.50

Bi monthly minimum rate - Rs 80