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Officials Happy As Water Levels Increase In Lakes

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The Times of India 07.11.2009

Officials Happy As Water Levels Increase In Lakes

CHENNAI: For the Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (CMWSSB), the 15 cm rainfall on Thursday has helped store water enough for five days of supply.

According to CMWSSB officials, on Friday, the four reservoirs together witnessed an increase of 146 million cubic feet (mcft) compared to Thursday's level. While on Thursday the storage level was 3,246 mcft, on Friday it was 3392 mcft.

But the catch is that, rainfall was high only in the Chembarambakkam reservoir. The catchment area received 80 mm of rain on Thursday and a total inflow of 1377 cubic foot per second (cusec). The other three had very little rainfall Poondi- 15 mm, Cholavaram-8 mm and Red Hills -11 mm.

"As the level in Chembarambakkam has increased, we diverted 400 cusecs to Red Hills reservoir," said a senior CMWSSB official.

But despite the heavy rainfall, the combined level of all the four reservoirs is just half the level seen on the same date last year. The level is nearly 2,677 mcft lesser than the 6,069 mcft recorded on the same day last year. "This year during October, the rains were not sufficient enough. The monthly average rainfall in the Red Hills, Cholavaram and Poondi was only 86 mm. Hence the level is low. But we will be receiving Krishna water till January and we hope to derive the maximum from the rains," said the official.

Meanwhile, Regional Meteorological department officials state that though the 150mm rainfall was good enough, it was not the best. "There are days when we have received 120 mm in just two hours," said the official.