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Corporation increases drinking water tariff

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The Hindu 30.12.2009

Corporation increases drinking water tariff

Special Correspondent

COIMBATORE: After a protracted struggle, the Coimbatore Corporation managed to get the approval of the Council on Tuesday to increase the drinking water tariff. The sanction, however, came with a condition from councillors that the new rates should take effect only when the Corporation made 24-hour supply of water.

The Corporation wanted these to take effect on April 1 next year. But the parties wanted it to wait for more than a year till the 24-hour supply would begin.

The Corporation wanted to step up revenue from water supply to fund the Rs.113-crore Pilloor Phase II drinking water scheme.

Official sources, however, said that since the Council had passed the resolution on the tariff, the increase could be effected after the due consent from the Government was obtained, nothwithstanding the condition from the Councillors.

The Corporation on Tuesday did away with the slab system of tariff for one category of residential connections. A flat rate of Rs.100 a month would have to be paid for consumption up to 15,000 litres.

A tariff of Rs.6 per 1,000 litres would be charged for consumption between 15,001 litres to 20,000 litres.

The tariff for 20,001 litres to 1.5 lakh litres was fixed at Rs.8 per 1,000 litres and at Rs.11 per 1,000 litres for consumption above 1.5 lakh litres (see table for rates for other categories).

Last Updated on Wednesday, 30 December 2009 03:50