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Water Supply

Perils of poor water planning

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The Hindu         10.06.2013

Perils of poor water planning


Chennai is not a well-serviced city when it comes to water supply. It hardly meets the norms. Against the demand of 1,009 million litres, it manages to supply only about 766 million liters per day (mld) through the pipeline and lorries. The per capita water supply is about 114 litres per capita per day (lpcd) when it should be 135 to 150 lpcd. In slums and suburbs, the supply is even less — about 25 and 40 lpcd respectively.

The city also falls short of other service level benchmarks: 24 x7 water supply and 100 per cent water supply connection. Every summer, when the conditions deteriorate, the inadequacy is glaringly exposed. Chennai has none to blame, but its own poor planning for its water woes. Unable to meet the demands from local sources, the city first tapped into Veeranam tank, which is about 220 km away, and then it sought Krishna water from Andhra Pradesh. In another two decades, the demand will exceed 1500 mld, and without new sources, the city will face a severe crisis. To tide over this, Chennai is now looking to get 900 mld water from Cauvery River. Whether the farmers in Cauvery delta would agree to this, is another question.

There is no doubt that the city, as it grows, needs new sources to augment supply; but it has first to take care of its own resources. The bore wells in Chennai together account for about 225 mld water, and most of the houses depend on them. Mindless extraction in places such as Minjur in North Chennai has severely depleted the wells there. As the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) report states, excessive extraction has led to the reversal of hydraulic gradient and consequent saline water intrusion.

The CGWB studies point out that wells located as far as Chitamur costal block in Kancheepuarm district are endangered. They also cautioned about the contamination of groundwater along the Buckingham Canal and ‘adverse impact on ground water regime’ along the GST road. They insist on a ‘close monitoring’ of water extraction in places such as Besant Nagar and Thiruvanmiyur to prevent any irreversible damage to the aquifers. The Tamil Nadu Groundwater Development and Management) Act meant to protect groundwater and prevent over exploitation has hardly delivered.

The government, which initiated the successful domestic rainwater harvesting, has neither shown enthusiasm to protect public water bodies nor has carefully integrated urban development with resource protection. Building rules and master plans in Chennai have hardly related to the landscape and water potential of different zones. For instance, the alluvial area south of Tiruvanmiyur, along the coast, has been one of the important aquifer recharge areas in the city. For more than three decades, the government did not permit development on this tract. However, a few years ago, it allowed construction in the aquifer area unmindful of the impact.

Lakes in Chennai, barring Red Hills, are not protected by regulations that prevent constructions in their catchment area. This has seriously impaired the surface runoff and water collection. The vanishing of water bodies has impoverished groundwater and adversely affected bore wells. It is time to conserve and rejuvenate public water bodies.

As the city grows, it not only needs to find new ways to augment supply but also to take care of existing resources


No drinking water supply today

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The Hindu               06.06.2013

No drinking water supply today

Due to repair works in Salem – Nangavalli drinking water pipeline, there will be no water supply to the corporation areas on June 6. A release from Corporation Commissioner M. Ashokan asked people to use water judiciously.


“Water supply to Thorapadi after fixing leaks in main pipeline”

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The Hindu                31.05.2013

“Water supply to Thorapadi after fixing leaks in main pipeline”

Mayor P. Karthiyayini addressing the Corporation Council meeting in Vellore on Thursday.— Photo: D. Gopalakrishnan
Mayor P. Karthiyayini addressing the Corporation Council meeting in Vellore on Thursday.— Photo: D. Gopalakrishnan

Councillors warned against taking law into their hands.

Drinking water supply to Thorapadi under the Allapuram-Thorapadi Integrated Drinking Water Supply Scheme would be streamlined after arresting the leaks in the main pipeline taking water from the Palar headworks to the collection well in Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, Commissioner of Vellore Corporation Janaki said at the ordinary meeting of the Vellore Corporation Council here on Thursday.

The Commissioner was replying to complaints from K. Sukumar (All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam), 49th ward councillor and T.A. Murugan (AIADMK), 50th ward councillor that it was 28 days since the wards in Thorapadi got water through the taps under the Allapuram-Thorapadi scheme.

They said that the tap operator who controlled the regulation of water supply under the scheme ensured regular supply in Allapuram areas, and refused to supply water to Thorapadi areas. The councillors threatened to regulate the supply themselves and ensure supply to Thorapadi if water was not supplied to their wards in the next two days.

Vellore Mayor P. Karthiyayini who presided warned that stringent legal action would be taken against anyone who tried to take law into one’s hands.

The Commissioner said that as against the full supply of 2.50 lakh litres per day made under the scheme, only 1.25 lakh litres reached the collection well in Rajiv Gandhi Nagar in view of the fact that there were 24 public fountains en route tapping water from the main pipeline for distribution to wayside areas, and that there were several leaks in the main line. The Vellore Corporation was currently on the job of arresting the leaks. Once the leaks were arrested, the water supply to Allapuram and Thorapadi areas would be streamlined, and equitable distribution ensured, taking into consideration the available water.

Ms. Janaki said that water was being supplied to Thorapadi from additional sources in the form of four borewells that have been sunk in the Thorapadi Lake.

K. Mohammed Hanif, 53rd ward councillor wanted the existing borewells in his ward to be deepened since they have become dry.

The Mayor said that the Corporation would explore the possibility of sinking a new borewell wherever necessary, since deepening an existing borewell would cost as much as a new borewell. The electricity connection available for the existing borewell can be used for the new borewell, she said.

Adavanthal drainage channel

M. Usha Nandini (AIADMK), 54th ward councillor said that the work on construction of cement beds and walls on the Adavanthal drainage channel from Bishop David Nagar up to the railway line in Kaspa having been completed at a cost of Rs. 1 crore, she wanted to know when the work on construction of cement beds and walls on the remaining part of the channel falling in her ward would be taken up.

A. Duraiarasan (AIADMK), 58th ward councillor wanted the work to be taken up after ascertaining in which ward the channel is located.

The Commissioner said that since the work has been completed, a fresh proposal has to be given to extend the work.

The work would be taken up if there were any savings in the allotted amount after final payment of the bill. The work would be taken up after a fresh survey of the canal by the surveyor of the revenue department, she said.

The Mayor said that the work in that portion of the channel which fell in the 54th ward would be taken up and completed.

K. Srinivasa Gandhi (Congress), 34th ward councillor wanted the encroachments in the form of 20 bunks in GPH Road to be evicted. The Mayor promised to take action if the councillor could give a written request.


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