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Water Supply

Water shutdown

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The Hindu                         11.04.2013

Water shutdown

Drinking water supply to wards 61 to 65 in the city will remain suspended on Thursday to facilitate replacement of pipes on the pumping mains of the Coleroon Combined Drinking Water Supply Scheme near the Odathurai level crossing, where a bridge is coming up. Regular supply will be restored from Friday, V.P. Thandapani, Commissioner of Tiruchirapalli City Corporation, said in a release.


Corporation drills more borewells to fight drought

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The Hindu                       10.04.2013

Corporation drills more borewells to fight drought

digging deep:Mayor A. Jaya, along with other officials, inspects work on sinking a borewell in Golden Rock zone on Tuesday.
digging deep:Mayor A. Jaya, along with other officials, inspects work on sinking a borewell in Golden Rock zone on Tuesday.

Eleven borewells are being sunk in different parts of Golden Rock zone of the Tiruchirapalli City Corporation as part of the drought-relief work in the city, according to Mayor A. Jaya.

The corporation is sinking about 50 borewells with hand pumps and 10 others with power pumps in different parts of the city under funds sanctioned by the government for drought relief.

Ms. Jaya, along with Corporation Commissioner V.P. Thandapani and other officials, inspected the work on sinking a borewell with hand pump at Amman Nagar.

The Mayor inspected the progress of various other development works taken up under the Integrated Urban Development Mission in the zone. In a release issued after the inspection, she said 12 works were being implemented in the zone under the Mission at a cost of Rs. 5.69 crore, including five cement roads for 4.55 km at a cost of Rs. 2.25 crore and blacktopped roads at five other places for 7.51 km at an estimate of Rs. 2.55 crore.

Besides, storm-water drains have been built for a length of 5.8 km at a cost of Rs. 89 lakh, she said.

Golden Rock Zone Chairman N. Manoharan, and Executive Engineer R. Chandran were present.


Do not waste drinking water

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The Hindu                       10.04.2013

Do not waste drinking water

Staff Reporter

Coimbatore Corporation has asked the city’s residents to use drinking water with care and not illegally tap the water.

In a release it has said that given the very poor storage level in the Siruvani Dam the Corporation was forced to divert Pilloor water to the Siruvani-fed areas.

The residents will do well to use drinking water strictly for drinking purpose and use borewell or ground water for other needs.

If the Corporation came across residents illegally tapping drinking water, the Corporation will sever the connection, slap a fine and prevent reconnection at least for about six months.


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