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Water Supply

Pilloor supply may resume in city on Sunday

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The Hindu 30.01.2010

Pilloor supply may resume in city on Sunday

Special Correspondent

‘Shutdown the best time to identify, plug leaks’

— Photo: M. Periasamy.

FOR UNINTERRUPTED SUPPLY: Workers plugging a leak in the Pilloor water scheme mainline at Ganapathy in the city on Friday, during a shutdown to carry out maintenance works.

COIMBATORE: The supply of drinking water under the Pilloor scheme may resume only on Sunday as the plugging of leaks and other maintenance works may be completed on Saturday, water supply officials in the Coimbatore Corporation said on Friday.

The Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage (TWAD) Board had announced on Wednesday that the supply would be suspended on Thursday and Friday to shift the supply line near Irugur to enable the widening of Tiruchi Road. The board wanted to make use of the shutdown to carry out inter-linking of lines and plugging of leaks in other places.

Assistant Engineer of the Corporation K. Karuppusamy said the shutdown was the best time to identify and plug leaks as this work was difficult to carry out during supply days as it would require suspending supply only for this purpose.

The leaks near the telephone exchange at Ganapathy, on FCI Road, at Athipalayam Pirivu and near Ramakrishnapuram were being plugged and this work would be over on Saturday.

The pumping of water would resume thereafter. After water reached the main service reservoir in the city, the internal supply was expected to resume on Sunday morning, the official said.

Last Updated on Saturday, 30 January 2010 02:48

30 water connections snapped

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The Hindu 28.01.2010

30 water connections snapped

MADURAI: Corporation officials on Wednesday snapped 30 water connections in East Zone for long pending dues of water charges.

Commissioner S. Sebastine had ordered action against defaulters as the local body had an outstanding water bill of around Rs. 10 crore. Ten teams have been formed to identify top 10 defaulters in each area and disconnect supply.

A team led by Assistant Commissioner (East) Angaiyarkanni began the disconnection drive in the East Zone. Commissioner warned Sanitary Inspectors and Supervisors with action if garbage was not cleared from time to time. The local body has been removing garbage in the mornings, evenings and in select roads during nights also so that garbage does not get accumulated. However, complaints have been received from various quarters that garbage and building debris were not being removed in some wards.

Last Updated on Thursday, 28 January 2010 04:48

Drinking water supply affected due to lack of coordination

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The Hindu 28.01.2010

Drinking water supply affected due to lack of coordination

S. Sundar

Between National Highways Authority of India, Virudhunagar Municipality

— Photo: S. James

Adding to the woes: Drawing of water from Ondipuli water body remains suspended for months owing to technical fault.

VIRUDHUNAGAR: An innocuous mistake in failing to “effectively” coordinate with the National Highways Authority of India officials by the Virudhunagar municipal officials has affected drinking water supply to the local body for months together.

Even as the local body is managing to supply only half of the required quantum of water to the town, it is unable to draw water from Ondipuli water body as the pipe line has been frequently bursting ever since it was re-laid by the NHAI officials over a year back.

The result: the town is losing around six lakh litres of water daily even though the erstwhile quarry site has plenty of water. “We have water for around 80-foot deep, but are not able to draw it every day,” a councillor said.

Municipal sources said that the officials of the local body failed to inform the NHAI authorities about the pipeline running along the Madurai-Tirunelveli highway for around 6 km from near the district sports stadium up to Inamreddiyapatti junction. “When the roadside was dug up for widening, the pipeline was broken. After much struggle, we made them re-lay the pipeline, which was not properly supervised by our officials,” an insider said.

“The pipeline was laid on the rocky bed without providing any sand cushion. Besides, the alignment is not proper leading to frequent bursts,” the Chairperson, K. Karthik, said. He said that the Collector, Sigy Thomas Vaidhyan, has promised to allocate Rs. 50 lakh for re-doing the work on receipt of Drought Relief Fund.

A councillor said that the Ondipuli water would have provided some relief as water was being supplied only once in 8 to 9 days. “We are not getting the due share even from the Tamiraparani combined drinking water scheme. The designed supply should be 47 lakh litres per day. But, till date it has not crossed 25 lakh litres on a single day. It is highly undependable as it sometimes fails for two or three days,” he said.

However, the Chairman said that the town was in a better position these days, when compared to supply of water once in 21 days. “We are trying to put up some water treatment plants to treat ground water drawn from borewells and wells so that residents get tastier water,” she said. The Virudhunagar Municipal Engineer said that air-valves were being fitted to prevent bursting of pipelines and he expected that continuous supply of water would be possible from February 15. Residents feel that the problem should be set right before the summer sets in.

Last Updated on Thursday, 28 January 2010 04:28

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