The Hindu 20.07.2017
Centre sanctions drainage project for Tiruchi city
To contribute 50% of the total allocation of Rs. 347 crore
Union Ministry of Urban Development has sanctioned the much-awaited
Underground Drainage Sewerage scheme (phase-II) to Tiruchi city.
sum to the tune of Rs. 347 crore has been sanctioned for the scheme,
which will be implemented under the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and
Urban Transformation (AMRUIT) programme.
Out of Rs. 347 crore, the
Central government will contribute 50%. The contribution of the State
government will be 20% and the remaining 30% will be borne by Tiruchi
Commissioner-cum-Special Officer, Tiruchi Corporation, N. Ravichandran told The Hindu
that the project was a long-pending demand of the residents. The
infrastructure of the city would get a major boost with the phase-II UGD
scheme. It would increase the UGD coverage in the city to a great
extent, he said.
Sources added that the phase-II UGD scheme would
be divided into small packages for easy and quick completion of the
scheme. There would be a separate treatment plant for the phase-II
scheme. It would be constructed at Keela Kalkandarkottai and a site had
been identified for the purpose. Documentation work for floating tenders
had started. Separate tenders would be called for each package.
The scheme would mainly cover the areas that were uncovered in the existing UGD system.
new areas would also be covered in it. Various areas in wards 55,
7,8,9,12,14, 15, 21, 27, 31, 46, 52,57,54,53,58, 59, 60,63,64 and 65
would be covered under the scheme.