The Hindu 09.11.2017
Coimbatore Corpn. holds Swachh Sarvekshan meeting
for its officers to prepare them for the next round of clean city
rankings. The event also saw the civic body release bags that would
serve as alternatives to plastic carry bags.
Sources in the
Corporation said that the sanitary inspectors, zonal sanitary officers
and field-level engineers were told about various components of the
Swachh Sarvekshan rankings and which component would carry how much
marks. The Central Government is expected to start the country-wide
ranking for clean cities in January 2018.
The participants were
told that this time the Government had laid emphasis on direct
observation and citizen feedback by increasing their marks by 5 % each
and reducing by 10 % the marks given for service level progress.
field-level staff were also told to look about the facilities citizens
needed in public and community toilets and their level of usage.
Discussion with
German firm
the Coimbatore Corporation officials and representatives of
non-government organisations held a preliminary meeting with Fraunhofer
India team to explore how the latter could aid city development.
German agency had recently announced its intention to set up a lab in
Coimbatore to help in urban development. As part of the announcement,
members from the German agency met the civic body officials and NGO
representatives to understand what the city needed most and how they
could contribute for the city’s development.
Sources said the
interaction would continue before both sides arrived at a consensus on
where the city could tap the German expertise.