The Hindu 08.01.2018
Spot fine of Rs. 200 for throwing garbage in drains
Warning boards placed by the Corporation asking residents not to dump solid waste in drains in Erode.M. GOVARTHANM_GOVARTHAN
As part of Clean India Mission, the City Municipal Corporation has
installed warning boards at many places asking people not to dump solid
waste or garbage in the open drains. Violators will be liable to a spot
fine of Rs. 200.
The warnings boards are installed near major open
drains in residential areas and arterial roads. Pamphlets are also
pasted on the Corporation vehicles that removed garbage from all the 60
wards. Currently, residents and commercial establishments dispose of
garbage at the nearby bins and also handover to the workers who come to
each household.
However, many continue to dump the garbage, mostly
plastic, in the open drains. Since drains are not desilted regularly,
during rainy season sewage mixes with rainwater and flows on the road.
warning, the residents and establishments continue to violate it.
Hence, the Corporation has decided to levy spot fine on the violators.
said that they would be monitoring the public and if violations found,
spot fine would be levied on them. They asked the public to cooperate
with the civic body in ensuring sanitation.