The Hindu 28.12.2017
Corporation finalises ward reorganisation draft
Three zones likely to lose a ward each to the Central Zone
Three zones of the Coimbatore Corporation are likely to lose a ward
each to the Central Zone, if the finalised draft of the ward
reorganisation is anything to go by.
Officials in the civic body
said that North, West and South zones would lose a ward each and they
all would be part of the Central Zone, if the State Government approved
of the same. The change was consequent upon the ward reorganisation
exercise the civic body carried recently.
Town planning, revenue
and administrative wings of the civic body undertook the ward
reorganisation exercise in December so as to ensure equal distribution
of population across the 100 wards. The Corporation has estimated the
population at 15,84,719 and number of households at 4,37,078.
carrying out the exercise, the Corporation divided the population by
100 (wards) to arrive at the base population of each ward at 15,847.
Likewise it also calculated the base household for each ward at 4,370.
Corporation also arrived at population per household value at 3.63.
With these parameters and keeping in mind the natural boundaries like
canals and other man-made ones like railway line and layout, it redrew
the ward boundaries, officials said.
While carrying out the
exercise, the Government has given the Corporation an error margin of
plus or minus 10 % on the population per ward and household per ward
Even as the exercise was under way, the Corporation
officials said that the Government gave the civic body leverage by not
asking it to strictly adhere to man-made boundaries while redrawing
Now the civic body had completed the draft proposal
and submitted it to the State Government, which would then release the
same calling for objections or suggestions from the public. Thereafter,
it would publish the same.
A district panchayat administration has
undertaken a similar exercise for the 228 village panchayats, 12
panchayat unions and a district panchayat in the district and said the
draft proposal made available for public at the respective village
panchayat, panchayat union and taluk offices for public or political
party representatives submit them writing. Or they could send the same
by registered post by January 2.