The Hindu 01.05.2017
‘Do not engage private parties to carry out repair works in UGD lines’
Krishnagiri Municipality, the municipal administration has now cautioned
public against engaging unilateral repair works in manholes.
project envisions a total of 8,332 household connections in 33 wards of
Krishnagiri Municipality. So far 950 connections have been given by the
Municipality since the commissioning of the project.
Speaking to
The Hindu
, Kannan, Commissioner, Krishnagiri Municipality said, five teams from
the region have been assigned to inspect the functioning of UGD lines,
and check for blockages with the collection of sewage.
were cases of manhole deaths (asphyxiation) in recent times in the
State. We want to avoid such incidents. Any repair works in UGD lines
will be taken up solely by the Municipality,” Mr.Kannan said.
teams is equipped with safety gear including three oxygen masks,
gloves, reflector jackets and are designated for inspection of manholes,
said Mr. Kannan. Therefore, no sanitation workers are to be engaged,
and no works shall be undertaken in sewer lines and manholes by engaging
private septic tank cleaning services without permission from the
Municipal Commissioner, the Municipality has said. There are a total of
1,627 manholes in the project. Of these, over 600 manholes have been
inspected. Rest of 1,027 manholes are still to be inspected for blocks
with the sewer lines going live.
Further, any construction on the
sewer lines, or damage or replacement of sewerage vents is an offence,
the Municipality has warned. The by-law of the underground drainage
project and the damage to public property law shall be invoked against
public that engage private workers to clear any block in the manhole.
Further, public may contact the Municipality on 04343-232597; 232488 for
inspection of manholes in their area.