The Hindu 04.08.2017
Corporation may get powers to approve special buildings
Ease of business:A panel set up by the State government discusses measures to simplify plan approval procedures.
Developers complain approval for many projects delayed by CMDA
Corporation is likely to get more powers in the building plan approval
process, including permission for special buildings and larger layouts.
The category of special buildings include any residential or commercial
building with more than two floors or a residential building with more
than six dwelling units or a commercial building exceeding a floor area
of 300 square metre.
At present, Chennai Metropolitan Development
Authority has the powers to approve plan for special buildings. But
developers claimed that approval for many of the projects for special
buildings in various parts of the city have been delayed for more than
six months by the CMDA.
On Tuesday, a committee constituted by the
government and convened by Corporation Commissioner D. Karthikeyan
kicked off the meeting to recommend simple procedures for building plan
According to sources in Chennai Corporation, the
decision to delegate the powers to issue approval for special buildings
will be taken based on an assessment of the data on applications
received by CMDA for such buildings.
Similarly, Chennai
Corporation is expected to get powers to approve subdivision of plots in
layouts measuring four hectare after a study by CMDA and clearance from
the government.
The member secretary of CMDA has already
delegated powers to the Corporation principal chief engineer to permit
plans for institutional and industrial buildings in any area of land and
not exceeding 15.25 m in height.
A few years ago, the CMDA member
secretary had also delegated powers to zonal executive engineers of
Chennai Corporation to permit residential buildings with six dwelling
units or commercial buildings with 300 sq m area or buildings with stilt
plus two floors or buildings with ground plus first floor.
Other local bodies
other local bodies of the Chennai Metropolitan Area, the approval for
sub division of land measuring 1,000 sq m into eight plots is issued by
the commissioner/executive officer.
Industrial buildings in any
area not exceeding 15.25 m in height are also approved by the
commissioner/executive officer. Powers were also delegated by the CMDA
member secretary to municipal commissioner/executive officers to permit
residential buildings with six dwelling units or commercial buildings
with 300 sq m area or buildings with stilt plus two floors or buildings
with ground plus first floor.
Currently, local bodies in areas
other than Chennai Metropolitan Area have powers to approve four
dwelling units with 4000 sq ft built up area or 2000 sq ft of commercial